Saturday 11 December 2010

Send us your leaks

We at Baptileaks are greatly encouraged by the response to the launching of our little blogospherical ministry.  We are also learning to be light on our feet as we sidestep  evermore frantic efforts to take us down.  (Only yesterday one of our volunteers had to catch a ride on a passing helicopter to escape from a suspicious looking albino brandishing a copy of Gathering for Worship in a very threatening manner - wouldn't be surprised if he had a mouldy copy of Payne of Winward strapped to his upper thigh.)  Any how this is to let you know that because we are having to relocate our office every twelve hours there might, from time to time, be extended delays between the release of documents. 

You should also know that we are keen to receive more leaks from those of you out there who still nurture the flame of dissent in your bosom. Simply email your goodies to  We shall have to verify the authenticity of the submissions and we cannot guarantee to publish everything that lands in our inbox.   We will of course maintain the anonymity of our correspondents.  You may wish to choose an appropriate moniker that we can use as your byline.  If you submit material on a regular basis this will add to the  experience of our readers and help to build a sense of community.

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